Výkladový slovník metrologie

Vyhledat termín ve slovníku (zadejte min. 3 znaky):

2.13přesnost měření, přesnost / measurement accuracy, accuracy of measurement, accuracy

Termín:2.13 přesnost měření, přesnost2.13 measurement accuracy, accuracy of measurement, accuracy

těsnost shody mezi naměřenou hodnotou veličiny a pravou hodnotou veličiny měřené veličiny

closeness of agreement between a measured quantity value and a true quantity value of a measurand

Poznámka 1:

Pojem ‚přesnost měření‘ není veličinou a není dán číselnou hodnotou veličiny. Měření je prohlášeno za přesnější, když nabízí menší chybu měření.

The concept 'measurement accuracy' is not a quantity and is not given a numerical quantity value. A measurement is said to be more accurate when it offers a smaller measurement error.

Poznámka 2:

Termín „přesnost měření“ nemá být používán pro pravdivost měření a termín preciznost měření nemá být používán pro „přesnost měření“, která se nicméně vztahuje k oběma těmto pojmům.

The term “measurement accuracy” should not be used for measurement trueness and the term “measurement precision” should not be used for 'measurement accuracy', which, however, is related to both these concepts.

Poznámka 3:

‚Přesnost měření‘ je někdy chápána jako těsnost shody mezi naměřenými hodnotami veličiny, které jsou přiřazeny měřené veličině.

'Measurement accuracy' is sometimes understood as closeness of agreement between measured quantity values that are being attributed to the measurand.


1 (informative) [5 June 2014] Here "quantity value" can be replaced with "value" without ambiguity: "closeness of agreement between a measured value and a true value of a measurand".


2 (informative) [9 June 2016] Historically, the term "measurement accuracy" has been used in related but slightly different ways. Sometimes a single measured value is considered to be accurate (as in the VIM3 definition), when the measurement error is assumed to be small. In other cases, a set of measured values is considered to be accurate when both the measurement trueness and the measurement precision are assumed to be good. Sometimes a measuring instrument or measuring system is considered to be accurate, in the sense that it provides accurate indications. Care must therefore be taken in explaining in which sense the term "measurement accuracy" is being used. In no case is there an established methodology for assigning a numerical value to measurement accuracy.

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